Chemistry, asked by Anonymous, 8 months ago

\huge\pink{Hey \: Guys}

\green{Questions. \:Write\: atleast \:5 \:General \:characteristics\: of\: s-Block\: Elements}


Answered by Brainlyparinda

\huge{\underline {\underline {\mathfrak{Question:-}}}}

Write atleast 5 General characteristics of s-Block Elements.

\huge{\underline {\underline {\mathfrak{Answer:-}}}}

(i) They are soft metals with low melting and boiling points.

(ii) They have low ionization ethalpies (energies) and are highly electropositive

(iii) They lose the valence (outermost) electron(s) readily to form +1 (in case of alkali metals) and +2 ions(in the case of alkaline earth metals).

(iv) They are very reactive metals. The metallic character and the reactivity increase as we move downthe group. Because of high reactivity, they are never found pure in nature

(v) The compounds of s-block elements with the exception of those of beryllium are predominantly ionic.

(vi) Most of the metals (except Be and Mg) of this block impart characteristic colours to the flame.

(vii) They are strong reducing agents.

(viii) All are good conductors of heat and electricity.


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Answered by amitkumar44481


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