the average age of consisting doctors and lawyers is 40. if the doctors average is 35 and the lawyers average is 50, find the ratio of number of doctors to the number of lawyers
Let , number of doctors= x
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= y
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question,
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40(35x+50y) ÷ (x+y) = 40
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40(35x+50y) ÷ (x+y) = 4035x+50y = 40(x+y)
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40(35x+50y) ÷ (x+y) = 4035x+50y = 40(x+y)35x+50y = 40x +40y
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40(35x+50y) ÷ (x+y) = 4035x+50y = 40(x+y)35x+50y = 40x +40y50y-40y=40x-35x
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40(35x+50y) ÷ (x+y) = 4035x+50y = 40(x+y)35x+50y = 40x +40y50y-40y=40x-35x10y=5x
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40(35x+50y) ÷ (x+y) = 4035x+50y = 40(x+y)35x+50y = 40x +40y50y-40y=40x-35x10y=5x2y=1x
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40(35x+50y) ÷ (x+y) = 4035x+50y = 40(x+y)35x+50y = 40x +40y50y-40y=40x-35x10y=5x2y=1x2/1 = x/y
Let , number of doctors= xnumber of lawyers= yAccording to Question, 〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 ÷ x = 35〈Sum of age of x doctors 〉 = 35x〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 ÷ y = 50〈Sum of age of y lawyers 〉 = 50y[(sum of age of x doctors) + (sum of age of y lawyers)] ÷ ( x+y) = 40(35x+50y) ÷ (x+y) = 4035x+50y = 40(x+y)35x+50y = 40x +40y50y-40y=40x-35x10y=5x2y=1x2/1 = x/y x : y = 2 : 1
ratio is 2:1