Science, asked by harjinder693, 1 year ago

the change that is not worth desiring ​


Answered by jrojalahari



Change is the only constant thing in this world. Just like seasons, life and people changes too. You get things the way you like it and then something beyond your authority bumps you off. You gain friends, lose a few. You grow up and learn things you never thought you would know through your journey. You’ll travel a pathway with curves and intersections, and that’s where you’ll meet new people. But not everyone you’ll meet will stay with you through out. There are those who will travel with you and stay a lifetime but there are also those people who you’ll only meet in a crossroad. Often, life plays jokes on you and sometimes you just feel like you’re about to give it all up. It feels unfair because when you finally find someone to make you truly happy, life takes it away. It slings everything good in front of you and then takes the rag under your feet only when things are doing great.

Brian Faulkner once said “Life is like a book. There are good chapters and bad chapters. But when you get to a bad chapter, you don’t stop reading the book. If you do, you will never know what happens next.” Most of us, especially the despondent, we tend to close the book when we get to the bad part of the story and that’s when cutting starts; suicides and lost of hope. Because we think that there would not be another good chapter of the story. We give up too easily. We all have this attitude where we assume things, especially when we have the wealth and looks. But that’s not how life works. We cannot get something that we want all the time; we cannot have somebody that we love all the time. One of the reasons why suicidal attempts are very common to teenagers is because they only focus on the ugly side of life. They keep their head down not knowing that there is light in front of them.

Life is beautiful, but only a few see it. Perhaps because of the trials and battles that life has given them. I tell you, you can never run away from your problems. Drinking and cutting never helps. Even if you do it a millions times, it’s still there. It will never go away. The only thing you can do is be strong and courageous. You have to fill yourself with courage to fight the battle that life has drawn on you. Because if you don’t, your life cannot get any better. You will feel miserable. You have to know that life is fair. Fair? Yes, it is. Because it doesn’t treat everyone equal. Not everyone has good jobs. Not everyone is rich. Not everyone has a decent life. Not every girl is pretty. But that’s okay, because nobody is flawless. Where is perfect? What is perfect? Life itself isn’t perfect either. Nothing is. Everyone will get through an obstacle in life and that’s normal. It doesn’t matter how big it is, how small. The only thing that matters is how you are going to deal with it and how you can get to remember God. Problems in life aren’t those like the ones we solve during our Math class. It’s much more difficult and complicated. Unlike Math equations, trials in the real world can never be solved. It can only be lessen.

Always look at the brighter side of life when you’re at your darkest point. Life itself is a blessing. Not everyone can be able to experience it. You’re lucky enough to see the beauty of God’s creations. You’re lucky you are alive because there are those children who never get to see how radiant a flower is; they never get to feel how rough a stone can be or how painful it gets to get your heart broken by somebody. Always know that not everybody has it. God gives tough battles to his strongest soldiers.

Every obstacle you have been through will change you in some way. Every person you will meet will change you. It’s your job to decide how. Live the life you want to live, because you will never know when your time is up. Just remember that there are obstacles you have to face and no matter how much you want to run from them, you can’t. The only thing to move forward is to fight the monster ahead of you. You could get a scar from the knife that the monster in holding and lose, or you could win without any scratch from the fight and move forward. But you’re never gonna know unless you try. When you lose, don’t give up. You’ve reached too far.  Always carry faith and courage with you. When you have a bad day, just get a goodnight sleep. And when there are people who try to touch your nerve, ask yourself. Are they worth the stress? TC mark

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