English, asked by amalsomana, 3 months ago

The chapter ‘The Fun
They Had’ presents different
perspectives on school and
education. Think of the
various alternatives. Prepare and
give a speech in class presenting
your views on how best can
students be educated. Discuss
why you would prefer to be
taught by both human teacher
and a robot.


Answered by Sayanabista


The Fun

They Had


The chapter ‘The Fun

They Had’ presents different

perspectives on school and

education. Think of the

various alternatives. Prepare and

give a speech in class presenting

your views on how best can

students be educated. DiscussThe chapter ‘The Fun

They Had’ presents different

perspectives on school and

education. Think of the

various alternatives. Prepare and

give a speech in class presenting

your views on how best can

students be educated. Discuss

why you would prefer to be

taught by both human teacher

and a robot.

why you would prefer to be

taught by both human teacher

and a robot.The chapter ‘The Fun

They Had’ presents different

perspectives on school and

education. Think of the

various alternatives. Prepare and

give a speech in class presenting

your views on how best can

students be educated. Discuss

why you would prefer to be

taught by both human teacher

and a robot.

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