English, asked by hemabadwal066, 1 year ago

the dragon custard was considered the humble dragon prove his in diversity angeize the certain like branch and courage are situational and spontantious express your views​


Answered by aanya1mehta


Custard’s humbleness won every reader’s heart as he showed true bravery and did not boast like Belinda and her other pets. Everyone boasted of their bravery but when they faced real danger, it was only Custard, who had the courage to face it. And he proved his bravery by not running away and facing the pirate and killing him. Qualities like bravery and courage can only be tested when someone is actually put in a dangerous situation. Therefore, these qualities are situational as becomes clear from Custard’s example. Custard looked for comfort all the time but this did not mean that he was a coward.

Answered by Anonymous


it is true that bravery and courage of situation and spontaneous . this fact has been aptly conveyed in the poem The tale of custard the dragon where in the dragon was considered a coward . He was laughed at for crying for a nice safe cage.

He never boasted of his bravery and courage, unlike Bathinda and other pets do.

everyone else, including Belinda, ink, blink and mustard claim to be brave the even made fun of customs covid ise however when the time to show their courage came none of them could face a danger the head themselves in some corner of the house it was only custard there to face the frightening pirate he not only for the pirate but also ate him up.

it was a dangerous situation to which custard spontaneous is founded his courage and behaviour came out in a threatening situation and it is true that qualities like courage and previous situation and spontaneous

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