The growth of the cell wall during cell elongation takes place by
protein and the lipid I think
The growth of the cytomembrane throughout cell elongation takes place by intussusception and apposition.
It has been explicit that galvanic cell wall is soft and plastic. it's composed of polyose and cellulose substances. The cellulose matters are hydrophilic colloids they'll absorb and endure.
Due to softness and physical property the first wall gets significantly stretched throughout the expansion of the cell, once new cytomembrane materials are deposited on the first wall.
Two processes of the expansion of cytomembrane are delineated , growth by intussusception and growth by apposition. the primary technique, tho' rather tough to elucidate, involves wedging in or interpolation of recent cytomembrane materials between the prevailing ones of the stretched primary wall. This method brings regarding growth in area.