The number of 6 digit numbers of the form "ABCABC", which are divisible by 13. where A. B
and C are distinct digits. A and C being even digits is
A) 200
B) 250
C) 160
D) 128
Step-by-step explanation:
I think option B)is the answer..
keep loving...❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✌️
Your question
The number of 6 digit numbers of the form "ABCABC", which are divisible by 13. where A. B
The number of 6 digit numbers of the form "ABCABC", which are divisible by 13. where A. Band C are distinct digits. A and C being even digits is ?
you are welcome in my answer
clue given
ABCABC is divisible by 13
1️⃣option 1 ❌
200200 it is divisible by 13 ✔️
but B and C are same so it is not ❌
2️⃣option 2 ❌
250250 divisible by 13✔️
All three number are distinct ✔️
but c is not even so it's wrong❌
3️⃣Option C❌
160160 is divisible by 13 ✔️
all three are distinct number ✔️
A place contain odd number so it is also not ❌
4️⃣Option D ✔️
128128 it is divisible by 13 ✔️
all three are distinct ✔️
A and c place have Even digit ✔️
so option D is right number is 128128
ABC = 128✔️✔️