Biology, asked by kittu99671, 2 months ago

  “The sex of a newborn child is a matter of chance and none of the parents may be considered responsible for it.” Justify this statement with the help of flow chart showing determination of sex of a newborn.​


Answered by SanjuMeena


The hemizygous males produce two kinds of gametes, 1/2 gametes with X- and 1/2 with Y-chromosome (22 A + X and 22 A + Y). Fertilization of egg (22 + X) with sperm carrying 22+X chromosomes results in female child (44A + XX). Fertilization of egg (22 + X) with a sperm carrying 22+Y chromosomes results in a male child (44A + XY).

44 + XX (Female)

44 + XY (male) 22+X 22+X

22+X 44 + XX

(Girl) 44 + XX


22+Y 44 + XY


44 + XY


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