The SI unit of electric charge is……………, which is equivalent to the charge contained
in nearly……………..electrons. The electric current is expressed by a unit
called…………, One ampere is constituted by the flow of ………. charge per……….., that
is,1 A =………... milliampere=……..A microampere=……………….An instrument
called…….. measures electric current in a circuit. It is always connected in…………. in
a circuit through which the current is to be measured
The SI unit of electric charge is Coulomb which is represented as C,which is equivalent to charge contained in nearly 1.6 × 10^(18) electrons.
The electric current is expressed by a unit called Ampere represented as A.
One ampere is constituted by the flow of 1 coulomb of charge per second, that is 1 A = 1 C / 1 s.
Milliampere = 1 mA = 10^(-3) A.
Microampere = 1 uA = 10^(-6) A.
An instrument called Ammeter measures electric current in a circuit. It is always connected in series in a circuit through which the current is to be measured.
Charge:- It is the basic property of a substance.
Current:- It is the rate of flow of charge in a circuit.
Circuit:- It is the connection between all the instruments with the help of wires through which the current passes.