The third law of thermodynamics is related to
It states "The limiting behaviour of system as the temperature approaches absolute zero"
lim S —> 0
T—>0 K
However we study the third law for the entropy of a perfect crystal i.e. zero randomness...
Although one version of the third law is that "it would require infinite no. of steps to reach absolut zero" that is you can never get there ....if you could get to absolute zero then it would violate the second law becaues if you have a heat seeking absolute zero then perhaps you could have built an engine which was 100% efficient...
Thermodynamics is one of the most important part of the physics studies and research works.
There are three basic laws in the thermodynamics.
The third law of the thermodynamics states that:
The total entropy of a system in total zero temperature is always constant.
So,the third law of the thermodynamics is related with the entropy of the system.