(the worth of a man depends on good actions and deeds )need short essay on it
The quality of a man depends on the honesty and integrity with which a person leads his life. The man should stand for all and perform initiative for humankind to uplift the society. Such a person is subjected to get name and fame in the society for his good deeds.
The worth of a man depends on good actions and deeds
It is absolutely true the worth of a man depends on good actions and deeds. People with mediocre thoughts and actions are present everywhere, but they are not sought by many. The worth of the ordinary men with ordinary actions and deeds, is ordinary.
Wise people say, ‘Actions speak louder than words.’ A man is known by his actions. People who are great, their actions are always great. Our deeds are the fruit of the tree of our character.
All great men and women of all climes and times have been men of great deeds. Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Yogananda, Vivekanada, Bhagat Puran Singh, Tagore, etc. became great because of their great deeds!
In conclusion it can be said, only good actions and deeds determine a man or woman’s worth. So, we must work on our goodness.