English, asked by pinkikumari221984, 7 months ago

They said that they would play lile game
'These are the results this year. Next year may be different.'
He said that those were the results that year. The following year
Change these statements and questions into indirect speech
words given:
'I want to speak to you all here and now.' (He said)
'We will stay here until tomorrow.' (She said)
3 /*This book is mine and the other one is yours.' (She told him)
4 'The inspector came to our school yesterday.' (She told her unc
We will finish this work tomorrow.' (The teacher said)
You must not think that verbs, pronouns, adverbs, etc. always
e meaning. As you already know, after an introductory verb in the
ere is no change in the verb tense in indirect speech.
'I am learning English.' He says that he is learning English.
"He has done it before.' He says that he has done it before.​


Answered by chandani775


Direct Speech

In direct speech, we convey the message of the speaker in his own actual words without any change to another person.

Indirect Speech

In indirect speech, we convey the message of the speaker in our own words to another person.

Procedure of changing direct speech into indirect speech

Remove comma and inverted commas.

Put "that" between the reporting and reported speeches.(it is optional to put "that" between the reporting and reported speech)

Change the 1st letter of reported speech into small letter except for "I"

Change the pronoun of the direct speech according to the rules described in table 2

Change the tense of the direct speech appropriately according to rules described in table 3.

Change the words expressing nearness in time or places of the direct speech into its appropriate words expressing distance as per table 1

Rules for changing Direct into Indirect Speech

The past tense is often used when it is uncertain if the statement is true or when we are reporting objectively.

Indirect Speech Conversion Direct Speech Condition

Present Tenses in the Direct Speech are changed into Past Tense. If the reporting or principal verb is in the Past Tense.

Do Not Change Tense of reported Speech in Indirect Speech sentence If in direct speech you find say/says or will say.

Direct speech the words within the quotation marks talk of a universal truth or habitual action.

The reporting verb is in a present tense.

When there are two sentences combined with the help of a conjunction and both sentences have got different tenses. then change the tenses of both sentences according to the rule.

Words expressing nearness in time or places are generally changed into words expressing distance.

Change of place and time Direct Speech Word Indirect Speech Word

Here There

Today that day

this morning that morning

Yesterday the day before

Tomorrow the next day

next week the following week

next month the following month

Now Then

Ago Before

Thus So

Last Night the night before

This That

These Those

Hither Thither

Hence Thence

Come Go

Change in Pronouns

The pronouns of the Direct Speech are changed where necessary, according to their relations with the reporter and his hearer, rather than with the original speaker. If we change direct speech into indirect speech, the pronouns will change in the following ways.

Rules Direct Speech Indirect Speech

The first person of the reported speech changes according to the subject of reporting speech. She says, "I am in tenth class." She says, "I am in tenth class."

The second person of reported speech changes according to the object of reporting speech. He says to them, "You have completed your job." He tells them that they have completed their job.

The third person of the reported speech doesn't change. She says, "She is in tenth class." She says that she is in tenth class.

Change in Tenses

The past perfect and past perfect continuous tenses do not change.

Rules Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Simple Present Changes


Simple Past "I always drink coffee", she said She said that she always drank coffee.

Present Continuous Changes


Past Continuous "I am reading a book", he explained. He explained that he was reading a book

Present Perfect Changes


Past Perfect She said, "He has finished his work" She said that he had finished his work.

Present Perfect Continuous Changes


Past Perfect Continuous "I have been to Spain", he told me. He told me that he had been to Spain.

Simple Past Changes


Past Perfect "Bill arrived on Saturday", he said. He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday

Past Perfect Changes


Past Perfect (No Change In Tense) "I had just turned out the light," he explained. He explained that he had just turned out the light.

Past Continuous Changes


Past Perfect Continuous "We were living in Paris", they told me. They told me that they had been living in Paris.

Future Changes


Present Conditional "I will be in Geneva on Monday", he said He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.

Future Continuous Changes


Conditional Continuous She said, "I'll be using the car next Friday." She said that she would be using the car next Friday.

Changes in Modals

Rules Direct Speech Indirect Speech

CAN changes into COULD He said, "I can drive a car". He said that he could drive a car.

MAY changes into MIGHT He said, "I may buy a computer" He said that he might buy a computer.

MUST changes into HAD TO He said, "I must work hard" He said that he had to work hard.

These Modals Do Not Change: Would, could, might, should, ought to.

Would They said, "we would apply for a visa" They said that they would apply for visa.

Could He said, "I could run faster" He said that he could run faster.

Might John said, "I might meet him". John said that he might meet him.

Should He said, "I should avail the opportunity" He said that he should avail the opportunity.

Ought to He said to me, "you ought to wait for him" He said to me that I ought to wait for him.

Answered by rockeyrplopck


1 question bhajo asse ans nahi milta

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