English, asked by anixrudy, 1 year ago

Tolerance only with those who agree with you isn't tolerance at all speech


Answered by CutiePieRohi20

Hello Frnd!
u can write it in this way!
He turned 10 and was a very innocent and playful child! He was very intelligent and used to get gud marks and his impression towards the teacher was very very impressive! 
His father was a rich greedy man but luckily his genes didn't match his son.
One day the son was on his way from his school to his house.His father used to pick him up.There started a very aggressive conversation between the father and the son. The father was forcing his son and saying him that u should not be this much innocent n all and said that "U ARE MY SON,HOW CAN U BE NICE?" Te father like this took his son into a bad directon and when he grew up he became like his father.The father was grown old and couldn't walk even!He then asked his son "SON,HELP ME OUT WITH THIS STUFF!" the son replied harshly "WHY SHOULD I?" the father then realized that I could have taught mh son manners and ethnics but I didn't! 
(U can continue more if u want)
I hope this helps u!

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