Topological space with family of open set form a sigma algebra
The utility of the notion of a topology is shown by the fact that there are several equivalent definitions of this structure. Thus one chooses the axiomatisation suited for the application. The most commonly used is that in terms of open sets, but perhaps more intuitive is that in terms of neighbourhoods and so this is given first.
Definition via neighbourhoods Edit
This axiomatization is due to Felix Hausdorff. Let X be a set; the elements of X are usually called points, though they can be any mathematical object. We allow X to be empty. Let N be a function assigning to each x (point) in X a non-empty collection N(x) of subsets of X. The elements of N(x) will be called neighbourhoods of x with respect to N (or, simply, neighbourhoods of x). The function N is called a neighbourhood topology if the axioms below[6] are satisfied; and then X with N is called a topological space.
If N is a neighbourhood of x (i.e., N ∈ N(x)), then x ∈ N. In other words, each point belongs to every one of its neighbourhoods.
If N is a subset of X and includes a neighbourhood of x, then N is a neighbourhood of x. I.e., every superset of a neighbourhood of a point x in X is again a neighbourhood of x.
The intersection of two neighbourhoods of x is a neighbourhood of x.
Any neighbourhood N of x includes a neighbourhood M of x such that N is a neighbourhood of each point of M.
The first three axioms for neighbourhoods have a clear meaning. The fourth axiom has a very important use in the structure of the theory, that of linking together the neighbourhoods of different points of X.
A standard example of such a system of neighbourhoods is for the real line R, where a subset N of R is defined to be a neighbourhood of a real number x if it includes an open interval containing x.
Given such a structure, a subset U of X is defined to be open if U is a neighbourhood of all points in U. The open sets then satisfy the axioms given below. Conversely, when given the open sets of a topological space, the neighbourhoods satisfying the above axioms can be recovered by defining N to be a neighbourhood of x if N includes an open set U such that x ∈ U.[7]
Definition via open sets Edit
Four examples and two non-examples of topologies on the three-point set {1,2,3}. The bottom-left example is not a topology because the union of {2} and {3} [i.e. {2,3}] is missing; the bottom-right example is not a topology because the intersection of {1,2} and {2,3} [i.e. {2}], is missing.
A topological space is an ordered pair (X, τ), where X is a set and τ is a collection of subsets of X, satisfying the following axioms:[8].
The pair (X, Σ) is called a measurable space or Borel space.
A σ-algebra is a type of algebra of sets.
An algebra of sets needs only to be closed under the union or intersection of finitely many subsets, which is a weaker condition.[1]
The main use of σ-algebras is in the definition of measures; specifically, the collection of those subsets for which a given measure is defined is necessarily a σ-algebra. This concept is important in mathematical analysis as the foundation for Lebesgue integration, and in probability theory, where it is interpreted as the collection of events which can be assigned probabilities. Also, in probability, σ-algebras are pivotal in the definition of conditional expectation.
In statistics, (sub) σ-algebras are needed for the formal mathematical definition of a sufficient statistic,[2] particularly when the statistic is a function or a random process and the notion of conditional density is not applicable.
If X = {a, b, c, d}, one possible σ-algebra on X is Σ = { ∅, {a, b}, {c, d}, {a, b, c, d} }, where ∅ is the empty set. In general, a finite algebra is always a σ-algebra.