English, asked by adittya9707, 20 days ago

(Use the correct article
in the gap)
Change the form of narration of the
Binoy wished Tom good morning and
asked him how he was. Tom replied that
he was pretty well and thanked Binoy
telling him that those were very hard
( Marks : 15 )​


Answered by kalpanadeviM

Binoy :"Good morning.How are you,Tom?"

Tom : I am pretty well. Thank you, thise are very hard days.

Answered by veenajamw


Swami Vivekanand once speaking in America told (a) ……………. a young man who came to a religious conference and said that he wanted to find God. The sage smiled and said (b) ……….. The young man turned to time after time, ever repeating (c)……….. desire, his longing to find God. After (d) ……….days, the sage told him to accompany him as he went to the river (e) ……….take his morning bath and when (f)……….. Were in the river, the sage took hold of the young man, plunged him under the surface of the water and held him there. The young man struggled to shake off his hold. Finally, he raised him out of the water and asked him “My son what did you long for most when underwater?” “A breath of air”, gasped the youth. “Thus a disciple should long for God and he would find him. If you have this longing for God, he should be found by you,” Said the sage.

2. Complete the following passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.

After graduating (a) ………. honours, I became (b) ………. junior assistant clerk in a magnificent law firm. I was (c)……….. not to prepare legal briefs, (d)………. to serve summons like a cheap private detective. I (e)…….. to go to dirty and shadowy corners of the city to (f) ………out my victims.

Some of the larger and more self-confident ones even beat me up. I hated this unpleasant work, and the side of city life it revealed to me. I even considered fleeing to my hometown, where I could have been a real lawyer right away without going through this unpleasant training period.

3. Complete the following passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.

A three-year-old tigress at Bandhavgarh National Park (a) …………. under mysterious circumstances. A group of tourists (b)……… park officials. The tigress the injured tigress near the Tata range of the reserve and (c)……….. the park officials. The tigress(d)……….. in the morning. This is coming to the 18th tiger death (f)………..in the country since January. The shocking incident came at a time when nationwide tiger census is nearing, completion.


1.(a) about (b) nothing (c) his

(d) many (e) to (f) both

2. (a) in (b) a (c) sent

(d) but (e) had (f) seek

3. (a) died (b) noticed (c) informed

(d) was seen (e) was (f) reported

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1. Complete the following passage with one word.

The Wild Life Protection Society of India shows in its report that leopards are killed (a)……….. great numbers for their skin every year. The main cause (b)……… deaths are poaching our country is losing a leopard a day which is alarming. The government should take serious action (c) …….tackle the illegal trade of skin of the leopards.

2. Complete the following passage with one word only.

It was (a) ……….. The rain (b)………. from the palm trees. Water stood in pools on the gravel paths. The sea broke in a long line in the rain and (c)……… back down the beach to come up and break again in a long line in the train.

3. Complete the following passage with one word only.

Some time ago our son and his family (a)………. Bruno a new puppy, into the household. They soon discovered that whenever someone (b) ……… to sing Bruno ‘sang’ along. When Mohit, their ten years ok joined the school band and (c)………. the trumpet, Bruno joined the practice sessions.


1.(a) in (b) of (c) to

2.(a) raining (b) dripped (c) slipped

3.(a) welcome (b) began (c) took up

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