English, asked by avarun3039, 11 months ago

Use the question word given in the brackets 1 i have come by plane (how) 2i took the night bus(which)3gauri decorated the hall(who) 4 she put an ice cube on the cut to stop bleeding (how) 5 hafiz tailor stitched the achkan (who) 6 i came home early to watch the match(why) 7 there was a traffic jam which delayed us (what)


Answered by CarliReifsteck

Answer :

The following questions can be formed by using the question words given in the brackets :

1 I have come by plane. (how)

Question : How did you come ?

2 I took the night bus. (which)

Question : Which bus did you take ?

3 Gauri decorated the hall. (who)

Question : Who decorated the hall ?

4 She put an ice cube on the cut to stop bleeding. (how)

Question : How did she stop the cut from bleeding ?

5 Hafiz tailor stitched the achkan. (who)

Question : Who stitched the achkan ?

6 I came home early to watch the match. (why)

Question : Why did you come home early ?

7 There was a traffic jam which delayed us. (what)

Question : What delayed you ?

Answered by mindfulmaisel

"Whenever one asks a question, the question should be grammatically correct and it should be make sense because we cannot asks rude questions, sometimes our questions should be formal and polite.

1. How did you come?

2. Which bus did you take?

3. Who decorated the Hall?

4. How did she stop the bleeding?

5. Who stitched achkan?

6. Why did you come home early?

7. What delayed you?"

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