Math, asked by 28496, 1 year ago

Using lorentz transformation obtain the velocity transformation. I am unable to calculate Ux', Uy', Uz'..... Where Ux'=dx'/dt'.... And x'=p(x-vt),,,p=(1-v^2/c^2)^-1/2


Answered by enrique
Now we consider the situation when the pulse reaches at point P. Let (x, y, z, t) and (x’, y’, z’, t’) are the position and time coordinates of P measured by observers at 0 and 0′ in frames S and S’ respectively. When the pulse is observed from S, we have the velocity of light as distance divided by the time taken; hence ,C  = √(x 2 + y2 + z2 c / tà                              x 2 + y’2 + z2 – c2t 2 = 0 
this is really hard question and lendhy i am solving this for proving that i know this concept 

(x’)2 + (y’)2 + (z’)2 – c2(t’)2 = 0

Whereas                      y=y’ ; z=z’

Using equation (3) into equations (1) and (2) we have,

x2 + y2 + z2- c2t2 = (x’)2 + (y’)2 + (z’)2- c2(t’)2

x2 + y2 + z2 _ c2t2 = (x’)2+ y2 + z2 – c2(t’)2

x2 – c2t2 = (x’)2 – c2(t’)2

Let the transformation between x and x’ is represented by

x’ = A.(x – v t) … (5)

where λ. is independent of x and t. Suppose the system S in moving relative to S’ along x-direction (because the motion is relative) then,


x =λ ‘ (x’ +  v t’)


where A.’ being independent of x’ and t’

From equations (5) and (6) we have,

x = λ.’ (A.(x –v t) + v t’)


v t’ = x / λ’ (x- v t)


=λ .[x / λ λ -  x + v t]


= λ.[ v t- x( 1-1/λ λ)].


t’ = λ[t – x/v ( 1 – 1/λ λ) ]


Now using equations (7) and (5) into equation (4) we have


X2 – c2 t2 =[λ ( x –v t )]2 –c2 [ λ { t – x/ v ( 1 – 1 /λ λ )}] 2


X2 –c2 t2 –λ 2  [ x2 -2xvt +v2 t2  ] +c2 λ2 [  t2 -2xt /v ( 1 -1 /λ λ ) + (x /v)2  +1- 1 /λ λ)2 =0

-c2  -  λ2 u2 +  c2 λ2 =0

C2 =λ2 (c2 –u2)

Λ2 = c2 /c2 –u2

Now equating the coefficient of ‘xt’ from both sides to zero, we have,


2uλ2  +c2 λ2 [-2/u (1- 1/λλ)] =0

2uλ2 = 2c2 λ2 ( 1- 1/λλ’)]

U2 λλ c2 [λλ -1]

Λλ (c2 –u2 ) =c2


Comparing equations (8) and (11) we have,


Λλ (c2 –u2) =c2 =λ2 [c2 –v2]

Λλ=λ2 à                                λ =λ


So using equation  (10) λ =  λ c /√c2 –v=1 / √ 1-u2 /c2


Substituting   equation (9) into  equation (7) we have ,


T =1/√1-u2 /c2 [t –x/u (1/λ2)]

= 1/ √ 1-u2 /c2 [ t-x/u (t –x/u ( 1 –c2 u2 /c2 )]

= 1/ √ 1-u2 /c [t –x/u u2 /c2]

T = t- ux /c2 /√ 1-u2 /c2


Substituting equation (9) into equation (5) we have,


X = x ut / √ 1-u2 /c2

 dude it was written in my sheet so i just did it for u cause it developed my concept strong thanks for updating such questions 

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