Using the clue, complete the story in 150 - 200 words. 'Travelling is always desirable...........'
Travelling has a different meaning for each individual. Some may travel for work, while others may travel for pleasure while others just pursue travelling as a hobby. In simple words it is an outlet for relaxation and adventure. There is something therapeutic about being alone and being at peace within one's self. It gives you an experience of a lifetime, it gives you a chance to soak in a new culture, while connecting with your own inner self.
Travelling is desirable because it literally changes a person from within. Travelling alone gives you a sense of maturity and a person learns to make decisions on his own and learn to live with it. The possibilities of meeting new people, learning about their culture and adapting yourself to fit in are endless. This is what makes travelling truly beautiful as you break away from the routine and adapt to something totally new.
Travelling is always desirable whether it is work related or it is with your family. Because there is nothing better than exploring a new place and coming back with a new experience. When you travel not only you collect new experiences you also meet new people and learn about different cultures.
You get to discover new foods, new clothes and even new places, travelling is also known as food for the soul, you return as a new person enriched with new memories and experiences.
Another advantage of travelling is that you discover that your country is better in so many ways and it feels good to be a native of your own country as you cannot avail all the advantages when you are visiting a city or a country. And if you see something better in another country maybe you can incorporate that in your own lifestyle. Travelling is a learning experience.