English, asked by Aastha03, 1 year ago

Was that the ghost of coachman ali in the chapter 'The Letter' by Dhumaketu?


Answered by rohitdadoria
Yes., that was the ghost of coach man Ali.. When the post master got a letter, he became excited thinking that it was from his daughter. But it was a letter from Miriam, Ali's daughter. So, he thought of giving the letter to Ali when he comes to the post office as usual. And this was when he saw Ali. It was just the subconscious state of the post master in which he just imagined the ghost of Ali to appear before him. Maybe it was because he was haunted by the same worries which had troubled Ali for five years after which he died. The post master was haunted by the agonies of not hearing for his daughter and thus felt guilty for ill-treating Ali
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