We say that Antonio was a good friend?
How can we say that Bellario was a clever lawyer? Give examples from the story.
Do you think Portia loved Bassanio? Giye
A.Answer the following questions within 20 words each. 1. Who was Antonio?
Ans. Antonio was a wise and kind hearted young merchant in the city of Venice. 2. What was Shylock ’s occupation?
Ans. Shylock was a usurer who lent money at high rates of interest to local merchants of Venice. 3. Where did Portia live?
Ans. Portia, a rich heiress lived at Belmont,a place near Venice. 4. Who was Bellario?
Ans. Bellario was a counsellor of law and Portia’s relative. B.Answer the questions in30-40 words each. 1. How can we say that Antonio was a good friend?
Ans. That Antonio was a good friend is quite evident at the initial scenes of ‘The Merchant of
Venice’. Antonio had no money with him to help his friend Bassanio when he asked for it but
his unwavering dedication to his friend Bassanio motivated him to take a risky loan of three
thousand ducats from his arch enemy Shylock. He went to an extent of signing a deadly
bond drawn up by Shylock and thereby putting his own life at risk for his friend’s sake. 2. How can we say that Bellario was a clever lawyer? Give examples from the story. Ans. Bellario was a clever lawyer as he sent a letter to Portia advising her how to handle the
case of Antonio. On his advice, Portia was able to cleverly turn the tables against Shylock and
save Antonio. Bellario cleverly feigned sickness and requested the Duke to permit the young
doctor Balthasar (Portia in disguise)to handle the case in his place. 3. Do you think Portia loved Bassanio? Give reasons for your answer. Ans. Portia loved Bassanio because first she made certain that they were married before he
03-Apr-2020 · 1 answer
In the story ' trickery with Portia', Bellagio narrated due to his illness he will not attend the court of Duke court. He also stated that while receiving the Duke's letter, the young lawyer was visited his