Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

What are characterstics of arthropoda?​


Answered by Cosmique


Characteristics of Phylum Arthopoda

➟ Arthopoda phylum do belong to Kingdom Animalia.

➟These have organ system grade of organisation.

➟Their Habitat is generally terrestial and aquatic.

➟Bodies of organisms in this phylum are divided in three parts head ,thorax and abdomen.

➟Organisms have jointed legs.

➟Organisms are bilaterally symmetric.

➟Have metamerically segmented bodies.

➟Organisms have compound eyes.

➟Generally animals in this group Possess two antenna.

➟Organism possess three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm ,endoderm ) and hence are triploblastic.

➟Arthropods are coelomate.

➟Coelomic cavity is blood filled.

➟Organisms do have hard exoskeleton made of chitin.

➟They have a complete digestive system and also respiratory system is present.

➟Organisms have open circulatory system and so blood does not flow in well defined blood vessels.

➟Their nervous system have dorsal brain and ventral nerve cord.

⬮Few examples of arthropods : Spider ( Aranea) , Scorpio ( Palamnaeus) , House fly (Musca) , Butterfly etc.

Answered by Taehyung20


Arthropod Characteristics

Characteristics shared by all arthropods include

1.Exoskeletons made of chitin

2.Highly developed sense organs

3.Jointed limbs (the limbs must be jointed like the joints in a suit of armor, since the exoskeleton is rigid and cannot 4.bend to allow movement)

5.Segmented bodies

6.Ventral nervous system. “Ventral” means “in front,” so this means that arthropods’ nervous systems run along the 7.front of their bodies, near their stomachs, instead of along their backs like the spinal cords of animals.

8.Bilateral symmetry. This means that the left and right sides of an arthropod are the same – it will have the same 9.number and arrangement of legs, eyes, etc. on the right side of its body as on the left.

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