Biology, asked by CapBlissSaigi5549, 1 year ago

What are insectivorous plants and what is their mode of nutrition?


Answered by AbdulHaadiDMIS


1. INSECTIVOROUS nutrition,

1. The mode of nutrition in which plants derive nutrients by

trapping and digesting animals, mainly insects.

2. Drosera, pitcher plant, bladderwort and venus flytrap.

• They are carnivorous plants.

• Grow in places where soil is  either deficient in certain nutrients or  too little light is available to carry  photosynthesis.

Answered by 27swatikumari


Plants are insectivorous, which is Latin for "insect-eating," and they get the majority of their sustenance from the insects they catch and devour.

These environments include a lot of moisture and humidity, which is ideal for these plants to flourish. They can be found in soil that lacks nitrogen.

To obtain nourishment, they capture and devour insects. Some of the names of the insectivorous plants are cobra lily, pitcher plant, and venus flytrap. Many people refer to them as carnivorous plants.

The majority of the nutrition that insectivorous plants obtain comes from trapping and eating insects. For instance, bladderwort, the Venus flytrap, etc.

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