what are matters considered in order to establish federal stucture in nepal
Answer: The federal government is composed of three distinct branches:
legislative, executive and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, respectively.
What are matters considered in order to establish federal structure in Nepal?
Many aspects were considered to establish a federal structure in Nepal. First, it was first observed that at least 70% of the public had to support the federal structure. It was a difficult task to establish a federal structure in Nepal unless the support of the people was obtained on the basis of majority. Therefore, more than 70% of the public's support was first obtained for the establishment of a federal structure.
After that some changes were made in the constitution of Nepal which support the federal structure. And such provisions were removed which were in support of the monarchy. For the establishment of a federal structure, it was necessary that the values of democracy should be followed. Therefore, democratic values were included in the constitution of Nepal.
The federal structure is one of the most popular structures of democracy, most commonly adopted by the pro-democracy nations. In a federal structure, the power of the government is divided into several parallel organs. These organs can be the central government or the state government or different organs of the government like executive, judiciary, legislature etc. Power is shared between the center and the state in the case of large nations, whereas in the case of a small nation like Nepal, the division of power is only between the executive, judiciary and legislature.
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Which of the following represents a challenge to democracy?
(a) Women not allowed to take part in public activities in Saudi Arabia.
(b) Renewed violence in Sri Lanka following the breakdown of talks between the government and the LTTE.
(c) Money and muscle power during election.
(d) All of the above