what are the course and harmful effect of deforestation ?
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increase air pollution
more chance of floods
soil erosion
increase air pollution
more chance of floods
soil erosion
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hey mate here's your answer
Human beings always have been and probably always will be to some extentdependent on forests. Trees were their habitat, their environment, their source offood and their protection from enemies. Forests are very important to man, andother organisms, and one of the biggest problems the world is facing today is thethreat of totally losing the forests due to massive deforestation and suffering theharmful effects of deforestation.Deforestation can be defined as the large scale removal of forests. Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non forest areas for urbanization,agriculture, and other reasons without su"cient reforestation. It is the permanentdestruction of forests and woodlands.at present, forests are considered among the most endangered on the planet.everyday at least & 1000acres of forest vanish from earth. The Food and agriculture .
along with this destruction is the extinction of many species, heavy soil erosion,greenhouse effect, silting of rivers and dams, fooding, landslides, denudedupland, degraded watershed, and even destruction of corals along the coast.
extinction of Thousands of species Destruction of the forests leads to a tragicloss of biodiversity. millions of plants and animal species are in danger ofdisappearing as a result of deforestation. Tropical forests are much morebiologically diverse than other forest and a very serious effect of deforestation intropical countries is the loss of biodiversity. without trees soil erosion and landslides easily happen. when heavy rainsand typhoons come, soil is easily carried to lower areas especially to communitiesat the foot of the mountains.
greenhouse effect Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in theatmosphere. The conitnued degradation of our forest heightens the threat ofglobal warming because the trees and other plants that takes up carbon dioxidefrom the atmosphere to be used for photosynthesis are gone. The burning ofwood or its decay contributes to the release of more carbon which combines withoxygen in the atmosphere thus increasing further the levels of carbon dioxide
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Human beings always have been and probably always will be to some extentdependent on forests. Trees were their habitat, their environment, their source offood and their protection from enemies. Forests are very important to man, andother organisms, and one of the biggest problems the world is facing today is thethreat of totally losing the forests due to massive deforestation and suffering theharmful effects of deforestation.Deforestation can be defined as the large scale removal of forests. Deforestation occurs when forests are converted to non forest areas for urbanization,agriculture, and other reasons without su"cient reforestation. It is the permanentdestruction of forests and woodlands.at present, forests are considered among the most endangered on the planet.everyday at least & 1000acres of forest vanish from earth. The Food and agriculture .
along with this destruction is the extinction of many species, heavy soil erosion,greenhouse effect, silting of rivers and dams, fooding, landslides, denudedupland, degraded watershed, and even destruction of corals along the coast.
extinction of Thousands of species Destruction of the forests leads to a tragicloss of biodiversity. millions of plants and animal species are in danger ofdisappearing as a result of deforestation. Tropical forests are much morebiologically diverse than other forest and a very serious effect of deforestation intropical countries is the loss of biodiversity. without trees soil erosion and landslides easily happen. when heavy rainsand typhoons come, soil is easily carried to lower areas especially to communitiesat the foot of the mountains.
greenhouse effect Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in theatmosphere. The conitnued degradation of our forest heightens the threat ofglobal warming because the trees and other plants that takes up carbon dioxidefrom the atmosphere to be used for photosynthesis are gone. The burning ofwood or its decay contributes to the release of more carbon which combines withoxygen in the atmosphere thus increasing further the levels of carbon dioxide
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