What are the deficiency symptoms of zinc observed in rice crop?
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Symptoms appear between two to four weeks after transplanting. Check the field for the following symptoms:
dusty brown spots on upper leaves of stunted plants
uneven plant growth and patches of poorly established hills in the field, but the crop may recover without intervention
increased spikelet sterility in rice
chlorotic midribs, particularly near the leaf base of younger leaves
leaves lose turgor and turn brown as brown blotches and streaks appear on lower leaves, enlarge, and coalesce
white line sometimes appears along the leaf midrib
leaf blade size is reduced
Under severe Zn deficiency, tillering decreases and can stop completely and time to crop maturity increases.
Zinc deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient disorder in rice. Its occurrence has increased with the introduction of modern varieties, crop intensification, and increased Zn removal.
dusty brown spots on upper leaves of stunted plants
uneven plant growth and patches of poorly established hills in the field, but the crop may recover without intervention
increased spikelet sterility in rice
chlorotic midribs, particularly near the leaf base of younger leaves
leaves lose turgor and turn brown as brown blotches and streaks appear on lower leaves, enlarge, and coalesce
white line sometimes appears along the leaf midrib
leaf blade size is reduced
Under severe Zn deficiency, tillering decreases and can stop completely and time to crop maturity increases.
Zinc deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient disorder in rice. Its occurrence has increased with the introduction of modern varieties, crop intensification, and increased Zn removal.
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The deficiency symptoms of zinc observed in rice crop:
- The deficiency symptoms of the zinc are very subtle and very difficult to identify in the rice crop. Some symptoms are midrib chlorosis, bronzing of the leaf blade, staking of the leaf sheaths, shorter the internodes.
- There is another symptom that the floating leaf of the rice plant during the flood. The growth of the plants remains to stop even after using the nitrogen rich fertilizers.
- Plants can show brown spots at the middle aged leaves and old leaves show brown blotches.
To know more about the deficiency symptoms
Why is that in certain plants deficiency symptoms appear first in younger parts of the plant while in others they do so in mature organs?
Describe briefly the deficiency symptoms seen in plants
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