what are the different types of motion?give two each.
Answer: Translation motion. eg: motion of a bullet fired from a gun .
motion of a ball thrown from a height.
2. Rotational motion. eg: the wheel of a car or train is constant rotation motion
Earth orbit around the sun.
3.periodic motion: eg: bouncing the ball
rocking chair
4.non-periodic motion. eg: footballer running in field
motion of the tides in sea
In the world of mechanics, there are four basic types of motion. These four are rotary, oscillating, linear and reciprocating. Each one moves in a slightly different way and each type of achieved using different mechanical means that help us understand linear motion and motion control.
Rotary motion is anything that moves in a circle. This type of motion was among the first discovered in ancient times. Think of a spinning wheel on which people spun wool. A car's engine works the same way. Like linear cylinders, rotary actuators are used across a wide range of industries and come in electric, pneumatic and hydraulic options.
Linear motion is anything that moves in a straight line, like our linear actuators. Time, as far as we know, moves in a linear fashion. Just like rotary devices, you can find linear cylinders in electric, pneumatic or hydraulic options. They have driven the field of automation, manufacturing, robotics, and others into a new age because, in the past, rotary motion was the only means to create motion.