Chemistry, asked by Nayan786, 1 year ago

What are the draw back of Rutherford's model of atom?


Answered by taniya24
Rutherford 'model of atom and its drawbacks:
Rutherford model of the atom described a dense, heavy, positively charged nucleus surrounded by Electrons that balance out of the charge of the atom. He also concluded that the atom is mostly made up of empty space......

The Electrons are present very large distances from the nucleus....
The total positive charge is equal to the total negative charge on all the Electrons so that the atom on the whole is electrically neutral......

Drawbacks of Rutherford atomic model :

@it could not explain the stability of the atom....
@it could not explain the hydrogen spectrum....
@Rutherford did not account for the properties of Electrons......
Answered by pratik74
rutherford give a theory of automic model rutherford says that atom is a havy or it is a de in atom there is a nucleus in these nucleus two type of charges is present one is positive and second is a nutral and negetive charge is revolve around the nucleus
rutherford said that when we transfer a alfa partical through to any metal sheet then from these sheet some partical is return back in these some is slightly back about 70-80degree and some partical is come back 90degrree
the partical which is come back through 90degree these is forced on a havy substance which is rutherforth give a name nucleus .
and some partical is penetrate through these metal so rutherford said there are some empty space .
and som is slighted to some degree from any rounded part or deuto apposite charge these
are electrons
rutherford said these conclusion but on these basis rutherford cant explain "rays theory "
quantam theory
or after the rutherford conclusion is made wrong by some scientist
atom not a havy and danse . these is a drawbacks of rutherford theory
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