What are the methods to be followed to the maximum utilisation of river water?
use less water for cleaning\
plant trees
reuse the water from washing machine
use buckets for bathing instead of showers
dont allow the water to be wasted by dripping
Methods to be followed to the maximum utilisation of river water are=>
1)We should adapt water resource management which includes the planning and distribution of optimum use of water resources.
2)To recover the water that has been wasted earlier due to human activities by good treatment can solve the water scarcity and thus will maintain the flow of water bodies as water can reused efficiently.
3)All the available rivers on the earth should be kept pollution-free because pressure of demand for water is increasing on a large part of the earth.Also rivers form an very important part in providing fresh water.
eg=>Bathing and other such activities should be prohibited near drinking water sources.
4)There should be enough trees planted in alongside the banks of rivers for controlled weather and sufficient rainfall.
5)Dams can be used to use the river water effectively since the river water on Mixing with sea water is not usable and if we can collect it earlier,we can use it in an effective way.Also dams helps in protecting the nearby places from Floods.
1)71% of Earth's surface is covered by water and remaining is land.
2)In 71%,the composition is=>
a)97.5% is actually salt water that is available in all the oceans that is not usable for human use
b)Fresh water is only 2.5% which is fit for human use.
But in this 2.5%=>99% is in polar caps and reamaining 0.01% is available for human use which is in firm of river water , streams,waterfalls,ground water etc.