what chapters should we read for ntse sociology and buisness studies?
Answer: These are the chapters to be covered in NTSE
History :
French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
British Raj
Mughal Empire
Maurya Empire
Early Medieval Period
Medieval Architecture and Culture
Indian Freedom Struggle
Early States
Indus Valley Civilization
Jainism and Buddhism
Conquerors from Distant Lands
Popular Movements and Social Reforms
Nationalism in Various Countries
Introduction and Sources of Ancient Indian History
Vedic Period
World War I and II
New Empires and Kingdoms
World History
UN and International Agencies
Water Resources
Resources and Development
Diversity and Livelihood
Internal Structure of the Earth and Rocks
Maps and Globe
Natural Vegetation
Our Country – India
India and its Neighbors
The motion of the Earth
Climate – India and World
Indian Physiographic Division
Drainage in India
Solar System
Major Domains and landforms
Indian Constitution
Local and State Government
Indian Government
Not sure abt the other part you have asked!
Hope that’s useful