what did they find in the coffin of tut's mommy?
It contained a plethora of stunning royal treasures as well, such as a dagger made from meteorite. Two of the three coffins were later transported to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo while the outer coffin was left in the king's tomb.
The burial chamber housed four nested gilded wooden shrines and a sarcophagus containing three nested coffins all depicting Tutankhamun. A small wreath of flower petals had been placed around the vulture-and-snake-symbol above the forehead of the outermost coffin.
Excavated by: Howard Carter
Date discovered: October 28, 1925
Location: KV62, Valley of the Kings
Inside the coffin contained a plethora of stunning royal treasures as well, such as a dagger made from meteorite. Two of the three coffins were later transported to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo while the outer coffin was left in the king's tomb.