Biology, asked by supriya3373, 1 year ago

what do you understand by term nutrition .explain various mode of nutrition​


Answered by ayishaarora

the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilisation by the body is called nutrition... ❤

kjacob1977: where is mode
kjacob1977: you dosen't know
ayishaarora: Sorry I can't see full question
kjacob1977: fine leave it of....
supriya3373: thanks
kjacob1977: kk
Answered by Anonymous



Nutrition is a process in which organisms obtains its nutrients and utilized them in various activities like respiration, growth repair and replacement.

Nutrients are the substances that an organisms obtains from its surroundings.


1) Autotrophic Nutrition : Autotrophic Nutrition obtained from inorganic sources.

"Auto" means self and " trophic " means nutrition therefore when organisms synthesizes or prepare its own food by photosynthesis.

Examples : Green plants, Autotrophic bacteria etc.

2) Heterotrophic Nutrition : Heterotrophic Nutrition obtained from organic sources.

"Hetero" means other and " trophic " means nutrition therefore nutrition from different means.

a) Saprophytic Nutrition : Organisms feed on dead decaying plants or animals material.

b) Parasitic Nutrition : Organisms obtain food from the body of another living organisms.


  • ENDOPARASITE : Parasite lives inside the body of organisms.

Examples : tapeworm , roundworm etc.

  • EXOPARASITE : Parasite lives on the body of the host or organisms.

Examples : Leech , lice etc.


c) Holozoic Nutrition : Organisms take in whole food and then digest it into smaller particles with the help of enzymes.


1. Ingestion

2. Digestion

3. Absorption

4. Assimilation

5. Egestion


supriya3373: thanku
Anonymous: ur welcome..
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