What does animal nutrition include?
i) Nutrient requirement
iii) Utilisation of food in the body
ii) Mode of intake of food
iv) All of these
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Animal nutrition includes requirement of nutrients, mode of intake of food, and its utilization in the body.
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What does animal nutrition include?
i) Nutrient requirement
iii) Utilisation of food in the body
ii) Mode of intake of food
iv) All of these
(iv) All of these.
(i) Nutrients requirements:-
Each nutrient has a particular series of functions in the body and some nutrients are needed in larger quantities than others.
(ii) Mode of intake of food
Ingestion: The intake of food is called ingestion. Method of ingestion, i.e. taking of food, varies from one animal to another. Digestion: The process of breaking down of complex component of food into simpler substances is called digestion.
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