English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

What does Antonio's dialogue
"But little: I am armed and well prepared. -
Give me your hand, Bassanio:fare you well......
...For, if the Jew do cut but deep enough,
I'll pay it instantly with all my heart"
Tell us about Antonio's attitude towards life and death?(4marks so needs to be a long answer!)

Anonymous: The trial scene act 4 scene 1
Anonymous: thnx
Anonymous: I really wish to see a Proper answer
Anonymous: where should i answer 2 people are already answering ...so it is not letting me answer ??
Anonymous: Oh
Anonymous: But i never receive an answer!
Anonymous: see one ans. is already there ...read it once if its ok then wont write
Anonymous: Maybe its right maybe its wrong only the examiner can tell.
Anonymous: haha ...right
Anonymous: ..


Answered by mehul6892

from this extract we get know that Antonio isnt sad about his death.

His only wish during his death was to see bassanio for one last time.

He bids his dear friend bassanio farewell as he knows that if Shylock cuts deep into his heart he would die immediately

He had no regret during his death .

From thus we know that Antonio was a pious man and valued his friendship more than his life .

mehul6892: im a boy
Anonymous: u r a boy n we both r girls (+_+)
mehul6892: oh
mehul6892: thats nicee
Anonymous: Madir is not a name, u know that!
Anonymous: it is madir means something intoxicating
Anonymous: so i thought it can be a name
Anonymous: I just made it up
Anonymous: lol...and it still made sense !✌️
Anonymous: Lol!
Answered by Anonymous

Antonio is neither willing to live nor afraid to die . He is so much tired that he is ready to give away his flesh even from the nearest of his heart . He asks Bassanio for his hand to bid him goodbye . He thinks that it is kind of lady fortue to let him die as it always lets an unhappy person live who has lost all his fortunes and wealth live till his old age in poverty . In this extract there's a rumour that all the Argosies of Antonio are wrecked that is why he is saying this . He thinks he has lost all his wealth . He says that he does not regret his death . He wants Shylock to cut his flesh so deep that he dies instantaneously , and he is willing to die .

Aghhh !! still not perfect

Anonymous: There i found the brainliest option
Anonymous: It is great both ur answers are i could write a word on it.
Anonymous: thnx ! this app wanted me to get it ..hahaha
mehul6892: fucckk uu
mehul6892: lmao
Anonymous: Who is imao
mehul6892: lmao is laughing my asss of
Anonymous: haha
Anonymous: ?.
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