What does human development mean besides income what is inspired by the people elaborate?
Human development is the process of enlarging people’s choices as well as raising the level of well being so that they can lead a purposeful and a creative life. Though the national income and the per capita income are the indicators of human development, but it includes many other elements like consumption, health, environment, education, freedom, security, non-violent atmosphere, etc. Besides income people might aspire for:1. Health and fitness, as it paves a way to grow by keeping one in a healthy frame of mind.2. Education is another factor which makes one rise in life.3. Community service instills the feeling of oneness and many selfless people get satisfaction by devoting their time to it and in its growth find their own growth.4. Some people want to grow their knowledge by traveling around the world. 5. For some people, life is not all about money and they aspire for spiritual growth as that is the ultimate goal of a human life.
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