what happens when I drop a little bit of highly concentrated acid on the salt.
here are two likely scenarios:
The acid is HCl, HNO3, H2SO4:
Immediately clean up the affected area with Large amounts of running cold water.
Dry it up, observe the affected area.
Commonly, the skin turns yellowish, nothing to worry about.
However, if you notice patches of skin missing, or excessive itching, consult a physician immediately.
The acid is HF or any other acid of fluorine:
Pray to god.
Forget about keeping the skin, HF is known to slowly crawl up the affected area and completely destroy everything..right from the flesh,to the bones.
To avoid the unpleasant,
Try to enter the lab with a lab coat(trust me, I've gotten my jeans burnt and worse because of a drop of sulfuric acid)
Try not to expose any skin to the ongoing chemical reaction.
Make sure you use droppers and not the bottle itself.
Make sure you keep the bottles of acid safely closed and stored at all times.