What is antiquity of man? Describe characters of Homo Sapiens and Homo erectus.
The Antiquity of Man is the depiction of various stages of human life, so far dating from the first of our kind, upto the mark of the modern man.
The lineage consists of various different stages over the timeline of evolution, consisting of
1 - Ardipithecus Group
2 - Australopithecus Group
3 - Paranthropus Group
and at last, 4 - Homo Group
We belong to the last category of the enlisted groups. We are Homo Sapiens the utmost modern sort.
Homo Sapiens the have well developed limbs, an active brain, also we have evolved to communicate with other beings in different "languages" .
Homo Erectus are the kind that existed two stages before us and are extinct now, they were just like us but more savage, they could not communicate and had a stooped body design with a lot more strength than Homo Sapiens.
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