what is benefit of cracking fiitjee exam
Answer: mark me as brainliest
Cracking such exams become the singular focus of students right since school, and it can get stressful. However, correct guidance, attention to detail, mentoring, a stress-free environment and good study resources are key in helping students realise their dreams – and FIITJEE ticks all these boxes, and some more.
There is no such benefit of cracking the fiitjee exam but one benefit is there and that is as it is a competitive type exam you can learn which type of question can come in any competitive exam and it also helps to make more solutions for any question but if you are interested then only you can crack it because it is very hard to crack the exam you can also learn something from this exam.
Actually fiitjee exam is taken for admission in their coaching but you can also give it as a competitive exam.