What is corrosion ? Explain in detail theories of corrosion
Corrosion is a process in which metal react with some other compounds that make their properties to get lose
Fe + O^2 + H20-->Fe2O3.xH2O
corrosion :
The eating up of a metal by the action of a moisture or chemical such as an acid on the earth surface is called corrosion
☞corrosion of iron is a continuous process which ultimately eat up the whole iron object
☞corrosion of iron is called a Rusting
Rusting of iron
when when an iron object is left in a damp air or water for a considerable time it gets covered with are Red Brown flaky substance called rust. This is called rusting of iron
condition necessary for rusting of iron
(1)persons of air
(2)presence of water
prevention of rusting
(1)Rusting of iron can be prevented by painting
(2) Rusting can be prevented by applying grease oil.
(3) rusting of iron can be prevented by galvanisation.
(4) Rusting of iron can be prevented by tin plating and chromium plating
(5) Rusting of iron can be prevented by alloying it to make stainless steel