what is democracy??????????
A government system in which the people are granted by the right to vote and the ruler is elected by the citizens of that nation is known as democracy..
hope it helps ♥♥
Democracy is a type of Government. Government can be defined as “the group of people with authority to givern a country or state”.
There are different types of government depending upon the nature of powers the government has and how does it come to power. Democracy, monarchy, communist and dictatorship types of government.
In democracy a form of government in which people choose the leaders by voting.
Example : India.
The word Democracy originals from the combination of two Greek words - Demos meaning people and kratos meaning power.
• One of the main features of a democracy is the equal power it gives to its citizen to elect to control and to remove the government from power if they are unhappy with it.
There are two types of democracy -
- Direct Democracy
- Indirect Democracy
Direct Democracy :
• A Democracy in which the power to govern lies directly into the hands of the people rather than being exercised through their representatives.
• It is also known as pure democracy.
Example : Switzerland
Indirect Democracy :
• A form of government in which people elect representatives to rule their interest.
• Also known as representative democracy.
Example : Great Britain