What is Development Communication? And what is its role in development?
Development communication is intended to build consensus and facilitate knowledge sharing to achieve positive change in development initiatives. It disseminates information and employs empirical research, two-way communication and dialogue among stakeholders.
The definition of Communication can be given as it is the way or process passing messages or meanings from one entity to another with the use of mutually understanding signs, symbols, and semiotic rules.
Development Communication - Development communication may be stated as the process which intend to build consensus and facilitate knowledge sharing to achieve positive change in development sectors.It employs empirical research and It disseminates information it is also a two-way communication and dialogue among stakeholders.
Development in communication may reveal people's underlying attitudes and traditional wisdom, help people to adapt their views and to acquire new knowledge and skills. Which helps to spread new social messages to large number of people and this can be termed as the role of development.