History, asked by aqmagsi60, 6 months ago

what is difference between tatari and mangol?​


Answered by av1266108

What is the difference between Tartars and Mongols?

Tatars where originally a tribe living in eastern Mongolia who presumably spoke a Mongolic language. They poisoned Yesugei who was the father of Temujin who would later be known as Genghis Khan. The Tatars where slaughtered and were destroyed as a tribal entity and the remnants absorbed into the ranks of the Mongols. As the Mongols expanded westward into the Russia and the Pontic steppe they pushed with them many of the Turkic tribes who inhabited Central Asia and the steppes further east. These Turkic peoples where known as Kipchak-Cumans and together formed a confederation that was subdued by the Mongols. These Kipchak-Cumans had already had a presence in the Pontic steppe and Crimea for a while and after the Mongol conquests they would too be incorporated into the Mongol ranks. These Turkic peoples and Mongols would coalesce into a Turko-Mongol identity and eventually break off from the larger Mongol empire and form the Golden Horde which was Turkic speaking and the population was mostly Turkic but the elite ruling class was Mongolic of Jochid (descendants of Genghis Khan’s first son) extraction. After the fall of the Mongol Empire these Kipchak speaking Turko-Mongols would adopt Islam and become known as Tatars. Mongols where known as Tartars in Europe and the name sounded quite similar to “Tatar”, the same name of one of the first tribes that Genghis Khan ever subdued back in Mongolia so the name stuck. The modern Turkic Tatars have no direct connection to the original Tatars of Mongolia, the only possible connection they may have is that perhaps some original Tatar descendants who where originally part of Genghis Khan’s army may have intermixed with Kipchak-Cumans that the Mongol’s eventually conquered but other than that the Tatars of Mongolia where never pushed West ward in mass by the Mongols. They where absorbed by the Mongols and became Mongolzied under the leadership of the Great Khan and the Turkic people’s known as Tatars just adopted their identity.

here is the correct answer please mark me brainliest and give thanks

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Answered by Anonymous


.The correct name is tatars and there is no difference, they and mongolians were one of many tribes living in the same stepes. This is just a different name given to the same population. Tartar means Hell in Greek mythology. Tatar is Mongols other name.

Hope it's helpful to you ....

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