what is doam,,,,,,,,,
The founders of the Free Open Access Meducation (FOAM; #FOAMed) have described the phenomena as a movement. Historically, social movements have come in multiple waves. Feminism, for instance, is thought by many scholars to have at least 3 waves (some would argue 4), each with its own characteristics and stance on how to achieve its ends. If FOAM is a movement, it is likely to have similar waves of FOAMites with variable perspectives on how they interpret the role of FOAM in their lives and careers.
The recent post by Dr. Simon Carley at St. Emlyn’s and summarized a debate held at smaccUS regarding the Social Media Index and the role of an impact factor for FOAM. It raised some interesting points and was followed by this rebuttal by Dr. Brent Thoma on ALiEM.com. Taking a step back, rather than debating the merits of the SMi, I believe that it is far more interesting to examine these pieces as differences of opinion between different waves of FOAMites. Within these waves we can see that a progression of thought may be occurring that are representa