Accountancy, asked by Anonymous, 8 months ago

what is entrepreneur???????​


Answered by Anonymous


The word entrepreneur is derived from the French word entreprende which means to undertake some activity inter coronavirus innovation of new ideas and business processes he processes management skills and strong team building abilities and essential leadership qualities to manage the business.

Answered by ImpressAgreeable4985

a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.

"many entrepreneurs see potential in this market"

a promoter in the entertainment industry.

"the music entrepreneur pulled back from financing a screenplay Hopper had written"

The agricultural area is of fundamental significance for the locale. It is going through a cycle of progress to a market economy, with generous changes in the social, legitimate, basic, beneficial, and gracefully set-ups, just like the case with all different areas of the economy.

Industrial clusters are gatherings of firms in a characterized geographic zone that share regular business sectors, advances and ability necessities.

Aside from the Chennai area, modern development has been gathered in a few unassuming communities groups.  

All through the state, with the western area being more prevailing these bunches spend significant time in the scope of exercises like attire, home outfitting, materials, leather, poultry, coir items, transport, gear overhauling, designing administrations and auto segment make.

The following next are a few offices that have assumed a key part in industrialization in the state. SIPCOT: (State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu), 1971 It was shaped in the year 1971 to advance mechanical development in the state by setting up modern homes.

A portion of the Industrial bunches will, in general, create a great deal of dirtying effluents that influences wellbeing.  

Diminishing in the business potential because of the utilization of capital serious innovation.  

Nature of business endures a§ labourers are utilized briefly.

The entrepreneur is a trend-setter of novel thoughts and business measures. He has the executive's aptitudes, solid group building capacities, and fundamental authority characteristics to deal with a business.

It is a process of activity of a business visionary Who embraces endeavours to build up his undertaking. It is the capacity to maintain the business-confronting hazard and developing groundbreaking thoughts.

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