What is final conclusion for People-Migration?
One important facet of study on population is the study of migration
arising out of various social, economic or political reasons. For a large country
like India, the study of movement of population in different parts of the country
helps in understanding the dynamics of the society better. The interrelationship
between migration and economic development is universally recognized.
Migration has notable feedback effects on the place of origin as the migrants
maintain different kinds and degrees of contact. Thus migration as a component
of population change has significance well beyond its impact on the changing
population size and composition of a human settlement.
Migration is generally known as the movement of people from one
residence to another permanently or temporarily for a substantial period of time.
According to Census 2001, a person born at a place other than the village or
town of enumeration is considered as migrant.
Migration can benefit poor people in developing countries. For individual
and families, migration can increase income, lead to new skills, improve social
status, build assets and improve quality of life. For a country, migration can
relieve labour market and political pressures, result in increased trade and direct
investment from abroad, lead to positive activity such as remittances, promote
social and political change and lead to the eventual return by successful
migrants who invest in their country of origin
Labour migration is an important factor affecting the course of socio-
economic development in India. Accelerated movement of people originating
mainly from the rural and backward areas in search of employment has been
one of the most important features of the labour market scenario in India. There
has been a steady increase in the number of migrants in the country. The
Census of India 2001 reveals that the total number of persons that has internally