what is hydrocarbon? explain its classification?
The compounds made up by carbon and hydrogen only are called hydrocarbons.
Types of hydrocarbon
- Saturated hydrocarbon
Those hydrocarbon in which the carbon atom are connected
by single bonds are called saturated hydrocarbons.
Saturated hydrocarbon also called alkanes or paraffins.
- Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Those hydrocarbon in which two carbon atoms in a molecule
are joined by double or triple bonds are called
unsaturated hydrocarbon , that is alkenes.
Here is your answer user .
Hydrocarbons are compounds of carbon containing hydrogen .
hydrocarbons is of two type of saturated and unsaturated .
Single bond c - c
Suffix - ane
Example Methane CH4
General formula CnH2n + 2
1 Alkenes (double bond)
Suffix Ene
Example Ethene C2H4
General formula CnH2n
2 Alkyne (
Triple bond )
Suffix Yne
Example Hexyne
General formula CnH2n -2 .
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