Biology, asked by amalgirish, 1 year ago

What is monocot root


Brainlynostalgia: Monocot root is root of monocot plants particularly a typical family of graminiae
amalgirish: OK thanks
Brainlynostalgia: Yeah..anytime bruh..


Answered by AkarshUjjwal
Monocot roots, interestingly, have their vascular bundles arranged in a ring. Dicot roots have their xylem in the center of the root and phloem outside the xylem. A carrot is an example of a dicot root. Diagram illustrating the tissue layers and their organization within monocot and dicotroots
Answered by meenug1974pb4csn
Monocot roots, are the roots have their vascular bundles arranged in a ring.
It bears thin walled root hairs.
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