Physics, asked by NIKHILRAWAT46, 1 year ago

What is motion? Define briefly.​


Answered by Anonymous

motion is the change in the position of an object over time. continuous change in the positions or configuration of a physical system in space.

Answered by Anonymous


Hey mate,

  • Motion in simple terms is the process of moving, changing place or even changing position.
  • Motion is an important aspect of physics.
  • There are many factors involved when something moves.
  • But something moving at a constant speed in a straight line is one of the simplest cases of motion.
  • But in reality, changing speeds and changing directions are quite common aspects of motion.
  • And then comes the concept of speed, velocity, acceleration, laws of motion, rotational motion, inertia…… and many more.
  • In simple language. motion means displacement or change in the position of an object over time. It can be described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity etc.
  • Applied force is what we called motion.Could be linear, circular, rotational.
  • Eg: pushing a block is an example of linear motion, opening a door is an example of rotation, rotating stone with attached thread is an example of a circular motion.
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