What is neuron and how is it helpful
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Neuron :
- The information from environment is detected by the nerve cells called neurons.
- They are structural and functional unit of the nervous system.
- A neuron is the longest cell of human body.
- The nervous tissue is made up of network of nerve cells or neurons.
- These are specialised for conducting information through electrical impulses from one part of the body to another.
Structure of neuron or nerve cell :
1》Cell body or Cyton - It is broad rounded part of neuron. It has a central nucleus, abundant cytoplasm and various cell organelles except centrioles.
2》Dendrites - There are the protoplasmic, branched processes of the cell body which receive and transmit stimulus.
3》Axon - These are long, fibre like cytoplasmic process. They conduct impulses away from the cell body. The Aon may be covered by a protective sheath called myelin sheath.
4》Nerve ending - There are fine branch like terminations of neuron.
Note :- picture attached from notebook.

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