what is noun?????????
A noun is a naming word or a part of speech that names a person, place, things, Or action is known as noun.
There are 5 types of noun.
They are :
1. Common noun.
2. Proper noun.
3. Material noun.
4. Abstract noun.
5. Collective noun.
Names given to common things around us is known as Common noun.
For ex woman, dog, school
A proper noun is a name which gives to a particular person, place.
For ex America, Ram
Material noun are names of material from which objects are made.
For ex wood, glass.
Abstract nouns are a type of noun that we can't see or touch.
For ex freedom, love.
Collective noun is a name which given to a group of people or animals of one kind is known as collective noun.
A collective noun is mostly referred to in the singular form but sometimes a plural form may be used.
A noun is the name of any person, place or thing.Nouns also name an emotion or quality or state.
For example:- ● Kavita went to the market. ( Kavita is noun in this sentence because it is the name of person).
●Put the computer on the table. (computer is noun).
1. Proper Nouns
2. Common nouns
3. Collective Nouns
4.Concrete Nouns
5. Abstract Nouns
Note: Nouns are also classified into countable and uncountable nouns.
A proper Noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing.
For example:- Ram , Lucknow , Ganga.
A common noun is the name given to every person or thing of the same kind.
For example:- Mr. Gupta is a painter.
To speak of a collection or a number of persons or things as a whole or as one group, we use a collective noun.
For example:- A bundle of sticks.( Bundle is collective noun because it refers to a collection of a thing).
A noun referring to things that can be experienced through any of our five senses- which means that it can be seen , touched or felt , smelt or heard is called collective noun.
For example:- Raman ate an apple.
An abstract noun is usually the name for a state of being, a concept , a quality or an action that has no physical existence.
for ex:- Cotton, wood , glass , plastic etc.