Biology, asked by dhruvporwal, 1 year ago

What is the babies name of phylum cnidaria


Answered by shravani657
A common example of radial symmetry is the sea star (a member of the Echinoderm phylum) or the anemone, a Cnidarian (seen below). The Cnidarians include the hydroids, jellyfish, anemones, and corals. All Cnidarianshave tentacles with stinging cells in their tips which are used to capture and subdue prey.
In Anthozoa (anemones, corals, etc.) and Scyphozoa (jellyfish), the mesoglea also contains some muscle cells. Cnidocytes, the harpoon-like "nettle cells" that give the phylum Cnidaria its name.

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Answered by Anonymous
Hyyyy Mate

 <br />{\huge \boxed {\red {Here\: Is\: YourAns}}}


⏭️⏭️The Phy­lum Cnidaria in­cludes such di­verse forms as jel­ly­fish, hydra, sea anemones, and corals. Cnidar­i­ans are ra­di­ally or bi­ra­di­ally sym­met­ric, a gen­eral type of sym­me­try be­lieved prim­i­tive for eu­meta­zoans. They have achieved the tis­sue level of or­ga­ni­za­tion, in which some sim­i­lar cells are as­so­ci­ated into groups or ag­gre­ga­tions called tis­sues, but true or­gans do not occur. Cnidar­ian bod­ies have two or some­times three lay­ers. A gas­trovas­cu­lar cav­ity (coe­len­teron) has a sin­gle ex­te­rior open­ing that serves as both mouth and anus. Often ten­ta­cles sur­round the open­ing. Some cells are or­ga­nized into two sim­ple nerve nets, one epi­der­mal and the other gas­tro­der­mal, that help co­or­di­nate mus­cu­lar and sen­sory func­tions.

⏭️⏭️Cnidar­i­ans have two basic body forms, medusa and polyp. Medusae, such as adult jel­ly­fish, are free-swim­ming or float­ing. They usu­ally have um­brella-shaped bod­ies and tetramer­ous (four-part) sym­me­try. The mouth is usu­ally on the con­cave side, and the ten­ta­cles orig­i­nate on the rim of the um­brella.

❤️The phylum Porifera contain animals with pores all over their bodies known as sponges. The phylum Coelenterata, also called Cnidaria includes animals such as the hydra, jellyfish, sea anemone, and the coral.
Cnidariacorals, sea anemones, jellyfish, and relatives. The Phylum Cnidaria includes such diverse forms as jellyfish, hydra, sea anemones, and corals. Cnidarians are radially or biradially symmetric, a general type of symmetry believed primitive for eumetazoans.


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